
Histopathologic Techniques Gregorios Pdf Download

The objective of this post is to inform the general public about histopathologic techniques. It will include information on what exactly histopathology is, how it is used in the medical field today, and why this type of study has become so important in recent years. This post will also provide an overview of the different histopathologic techniques that are used by doctors when they are looking for answers to their medical questions. One popular method being studied using these techniques is immunohistochemistry or IHC for short. Immunohistochemistry has allowed doctors to find signs of cancer cells even if they are hidden deep within the tissues, organs or bone marrow. This has allowed doctors to study cancer cells further and to create new ways of studying these cells in an effort to find better treatments for them. A major advantage of immunohistochemistry is it allows doctors to be able to view tissue samples that are stained in different colors. This gives them the ability to see the difference between cells that are healthy and those that are not. These stains will allow them to look at tissues with a microscope so they can see what they need for diagnosing patients. The most common staining is hematoxylin-eosin or H&E. H&E is a combination of two dyes used to stain tissues. The first dye is hematoxylin and it is usually pink or red in color. Hematoxylin will bind to the DNA in the cell’s nucleus making it easier for doctors to see and study these cells. Another dye called eosin and gives the tissue a pink color once bound with hematoxylin. This process allows doctors to clearly see which portions of the tissue are healthy and which may be damaged or diseased. Another common method of staining that is used in the medical field is to stain tissues with India ink or IIC. IIC can be used on unstained tissues as well as stained ones. The stain will show up yellow, black, brown or purple depending on where it has been placed. There are several methods of staining that aren’t usually seen by doctors today. One method used by researchers is now referred to as “IEW” staining. It is an acronym for immunohistochemical waxing which was first created back in the 1970s by Gene Huffman Jr., R.D., M.D., and his brother, Roger Huffman, M.D.. IEW was used to show that people who were missing a certain part of the immune system (immunodeficient) had different antibody profiles to certain diseases. Another method of staining comes from the University of Chicago and is referred to as the “Chicago” stain. This stain has been used for over thirty years and has been created by Robert Seidel, M.D., and Dr. Ronald Falkenstein, Jr., Ph.D.. The process gives tissues a blue tone once it is stained with certain dyes which will allow doctors to clearly see what proteins reside in the cells that are being studied without needing other stains such as eosin or hematoxylin. histopathologic techniques gregorios pdf download


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